Taking life back to the basics.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Baby Blues and Garden Goodness...

Hey All!  My apologies for the delay in posting.  Life is busy...Morning sickness whipping me...Fatigue...You get the picture.

I want to go on and on about how I feel like a useless member of society, but I'll let the picture tell the story.  I am titling this "Pregnancy is..."

This is how I feel most of the time.  Meet Forrest...he's a "special little man".  D refers to him as 'touched'.  Uh, yeah...that will work.  He is just a little sloooooooowwwwwwww.  But we love him.  This picture was taken the day after Hurricane Ike upset everything for miles.  He's truly traumatized...really...no really...you just can't tell because he's sleeping like a baby full of cereal.  :)

Anyway, my canning supplies are pretty much all here.  (I still need a pressure cooker...but I'm not letting that stop me.)  My sister's and I are planning a run to a sort of local farmer's market on Monday and I CAN NOT wait.  I just hope I'm not sick the whole time.  (I missed work last night.  You do not want details.)

The garden is growing like crazy and I am very excited about that.  There are several tomatoes that the birds had better NOT eat.    Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!  The squash and cucumbers are coming along VERY nice as well.  The pea plants had the prettiest little flowers on them.

A few days later we had...

Yay!!!   I would usually be doing a snoopy dance, but if I move to much, baby protests.  Then I'm back to praying to the porcelain gods.  Last week, I finally got my kitchen window garden put in.  I know...I know...it's late, but I have to do things when baby lets me.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!!

Here's a picture...

I have serrano peppers, jalepeno peppers, sweet banana peppers, basil, dill, rosemary, thyme, cilantro, parsley, and mint.  Let the cooking begin!  Or, we can wait a little while to let these little beauties grow a bit.  :)

Little critter is 17 weeks along and doing well.  The poor thing is already grounded for life for making me so sick.  LOL!  Just kidding!!!  We'll find out the gender at the June 1st appointment.  We're excited and constantly bantering about whether it's a boy or girl.  D keeps referring to the baby as "he", I gently correct and say "or she" and the fight is on.  It's all in good fun and we're excited either way! 

That's about it from here.  Having the family over on Monday night, which is always a HOOT!  Catch y'all next time!


  1. Everything looks so good! It is amazing! When are you gonna go public with this so others can enjoy it?????

  2. Thanks for commenting on my blog. I had no idea you were a reader! Have you been there for long?

    I will have to subscribe to your blog now and learn more about you. Looking forward to it!
