Taking life back to the basics.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I'm Baaaaaaaacccccccckkkkkkkkkkkk........

Hi all!  I'm back...

It's been quite a while and, as life would have it, a lot has changed.  Hmmm...let's start with what hasn't changed, shall we?

I'm still having a baby.  It's a little boy and he's due on October 13th.  (Which is the same day that my identical twin had her daughter!  Only, that was 13 years ago.)  I'm still very sick.  It seems that all the scar tissue from when I was run over by a car is tearing as I gain baby weight and let-me-tell-ya, it HURTS LIKE NOBODY'S BUSINESS!!!  But, we are getting closer and closer to due date and then it should be done.

I am working at a desk in our warrant division.  If you're wanted, it's my job to try and find ya...  It's a pretty good group of people, so I really appreciate it.

Due to my constant illness and diminished lung capacity (another consequence that a drunk driver left me with), I am banned from climbing stairs or being in the heat for more than 10 minutes at a time.  A couple of weeks ago, D finally gutted my beautiful garden.  It was sad, but very overgrown and neglected.  I'll get back to it next year...  ::mournful sigh::

I did manage to pick a few peppers (jalepeno and serrano) from the kitchen window garden.  Today, I pickled them.

When I have the energy, I cook.  So far, I'm just trying desperately to get ready for the arrival of our little man.  It's difficult since his room is upstairs and I am not really able to go up and down right now.  :(

OK, enough whining.  Not much longer and I'll be back in the swing of things.  I'll try to post more often and more positive.

God's blessings!!!


  1. Oh, I'm so glad you're back! I got to "meet" you and then you disappeared. You have some catching up to do before the baby arrives. Ha, ha!

  2. YAY!!! The blog is back. Don't worry about the room, we will come soon and haul you upstairs. The crew and I will work while you get to boss us around from the comfort of your rocking chair. It's great to be the queen! (We accept payment in pickled peppers, so you are set there!)

    Love ya!
