Taking life back to the basics.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Lord is Teaching Me, Reinventing the Wheel, and Other Ramblings...

Yesterday, I found out that our move out of the city will have to be postponed for a week or two.  I am living in a cardboard jungle with a baby, so that is very frustrating.  I also need to get my garden planted.  Yesterday, I was able to go to the new place and put in strawberries, roses, and a blackberry bush.  The current owner said she'd water them for me.  So, that is good.  Last night, I resolved to plant what I can when we move and make a bigger garden next year.  ::sigh:: 

I spent some time this morning reading scripture on patience and "hurry up and wait".  It made me feel better and I know there is a reason for it all. 

I had a great time talking with my grandpa JT yesterday.  JT is a quiet man and we've never really had much in common.  We took a walk around his property (he lives about 15 minutes from our new place).  He told me all about his plantings and gardens.  I picked up some great tips.  As we drove to our new place, I felt so grateful to finally be at a place in life where I don't have to reinvent the wheel and can really appreciate knowledge that others share with me. 

You know, I wish Grandma J, Grandpa JT, and I had been closer.  It turns out that we're not so different.  Grandma J is a great cook and canner.  (Although she's given up canning and has graciously offered me all of her jars.)  Grandpa JT was a reserve police officer for a time. 

No time like the present to build that relationship...right?  It's kind of exciting to imagine what else I can learn from them.

That's my ramblings for now...
God bless you all!

Friday, March 11, 2011


Hello All!

Let's see...I have been packing, as much as I can while still having at least a month before we move.  I took a van full of stuff the resale shop.  That felt SOOOOOOOO good.  YAY #1!

YAY #2 is a little more of story to tell.

I've got some of my seeds started.  Here's a picture:

The blue cups are seeds sent by this guy named Ray on YouTube.  He gives GREAT gardening advice and this year offered FREE SEEDS!!!  I couldn't pass them up.  I have tomatoes, carrots, jalapeno, and spinach in those cups.
(Side note:  time to make more laundry soap...)

The plastic bag is jalapenos, Serrano, banana peppers, and tomatoes.  All are seeds that I saved from last year.  The YAY is that the tomatoes are actually seeds from my dear stepmother-in-laws family.  They have a tomato farm in Hempstead, Texas.  Here is after six days:

SPROUTS!!!  I haven't told J (Stepmother-in-law) that I saved the seeds.  I wanted to make sure I didn't mess them up.  :)  Anyway, I am so excited.

By the way, the seed pots are sitting on a heating pad.  Ray recommended it and so far, so good.  Here's a link to his channel...http://www.youtube.com/user/Praxxus55712

I have more seeds to start, but with the move, I had to be reasonable. 

And, here's is my sunshine in his overalls.  So CUTE if I do say so myself. 

Me and my little sunshine.  (I know I need makeup and wrinkle cream, but I like this picture.)

God bless ya'll!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Progress Report

There is much excitement around here.  Last Tuesday, I got a bit of a sore throat.  By Wednesday, my joints were aching really intensely.  My Dad and JW ran to Tyler's rescue and picked him up.  I went to the doctor and got some heavy duty antibiotics. 

Two days later, feeling much better, I got my little man back with a surprise.  He had cut his first tooth!  Now, I told him not to grow up, but he's not listening.  God had a plan when he made humans co-dependant on their families.  I don't know how I would have been able to deal with the fussiness and drool while too weak to take care of me.

On another note, I have made progress on getting us ready to move.  I have decided to take the advice posted by Cast and Elizabeth on my last blog.  I have two boxes open as I make my way through the house.  One for donation/resale and one for moving with us.  On each item, I ask:  Will I use this in the next 30 days?  If yes, then I leave it.  If no, it goes in one of the boxes.  It seems to be working.  Just before our actual move, I'll invite some trusted friends and family over for a packing party.  It'll be great to say, "If it's here, pack it".

I started my tomato and pepper plants this morning as well.  They're just in egg crates for now, next will be little plastic cups, and then it's off the the new place.  I hope they move well.  I'll be able to take them to the new house a few days before our move and get them in the ground.  That is, if I can find the time.  I went nuts and bought a few seeds for the garden.  In trying to keep it simple, I only bought radishes, cucumbers, and beans.  I hope they forgive me to getting them in a little late.  I'm hoping that our long summers will work in my favor.

God bless...