Taking life back to the basics.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Well, we had a BEAUTIFUL little boy.  He was a couple of weeks early, but came into this world with very little trouble. 

I don't know where to start this blog.  I feel very overwelmed with information to share with you all.  The biggest news is that (drum roll please...)


I'm so excited!  The property is about an acre.  It does have a lot of trees, so I'll have to be diligent about where to put my gardens.  The house is owned by my stepmother's mom.  Her son built it.  We are all excited that it is staying in the family.  She is 78 years old and wants to downsize.  The house is a story of its own and I'll have to share that with you on another posting.  (It feels odd to refer the JW as my stepmother.  She is a true sweetheart and we all love her.  We introduce her as our sister/mom.  She has the neatest family too.  That's another post too, I reckon.)

For now, we are frantically getting our house ready for selling.  I am busy at home with my little angel.  I did quit my job as a police officer; however, I am signed up as a reserve officer.  My dear husband has been working 3 jobs to keep little man and me safely at home.  God bless him.  (Once this house sells, he'll be able to go back down to 1 job as it will be a lot less expensive.)  The family has been helping out a lot too. 

God is good and I will be back soon...  Blessings to you all...

1 comment:

  1. YAY YAY YAY! Congratulations on the new arrival. I have wondered about you often and hoped all went well. Can't wait to see photos! But take your time... you have way more important things to focus on!
