Taking life back to the basics.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Lord is Teaching Me, Reinventing the Wheel, and Other Ramblings...

Yesterday, I found out that our move out of the city will have to be postponed for a week or two.  I am living in a cardboard jungle with a baby, so that is very frustrating.  I also need to get my garden planted.  Yesterday, I was able to go to the new place and put in strawberries, roses, and a blackberry bush.  The current owner said she'd water them for me.  So, that is good.  Last night, I resolved to plant what I can when we move and make a bigger garden next year.  ::sigh:: 

I spent some time this morning reading scripture on patience and "hurry up and wait".  It made me feel better and I know there is a reason for it all. 

I had a great time talking with my grandpa JT yesterday.  JT is a quiet man and we've never really had much in common.  We took a walk around his property (he lives about 15 minutes from our new place).  He told me all about his plantings and gardens.  I picked up some great tips.  As we drove to our new place, I felt so grateful to finally be at a place in life where I don't have to reinvent the wheel and can really appreciate knowledge that others share with me. 

You know, I wish Grandma J, Grandpa JT, and I had been closer.  It turns out that we're not so different.  Grandma J is a great cook and canner.  (Although she's given up canning and has graciously offered me all of her jars.)  Grandpa JT was a reserve police officer for a time. 

No time like the present to build that relationship...right?  It's kind of exciting to imagine what else I can learn from them.

That's my ramblings for now...
God bless you all!


  1. I didn't know JT was a reserve officer! WOW!

    Hang in there, you are doing great!

  2. I got another post you wrote but must have removed. Just wanted you to know what you're going through is normal. Babies bring a new normal to life, as well as a pining for "boring Tuesdays." My oldest baby is almost 8 and I still miss those days! Enjoy learning all about the new normal in your life. :)
